
It's so crazy to dream about things for months and finally seeing them come true in front of your eyes..today I'm not writing from my regular desktop, but from my lovely and new notebook I bought on my own -well, kinda because my mom had to lend me a couple of bucks- and I couldn't be more excited. Typing with this keyboard is really weird, but you know what? It's even weirder knowing that I could finally gather enough money to but it and now I can do whatever I want. I already put a password for this account, and nobody but me will be able to use it without my persmission. Plus, the thing that excites me the most is that I can lie in bed at night and write being locked in my room if and whenever I feel inspired or just watch a movie right before I go to sleep. Next thing I'm gonna spend my money on: a camera :) a brand new and beautiful JVC that will open many many doors for me and my imagination. Yeay for being a slave to the gringos for a couple of months...I can endure it if I know the rewards are like these...right?
anyways, with a huge smile on my face (and practically having my heart on my hands because I'm waiting for my boyfriend to come and I keep hearing blasting sounds coming from the street) I say goodbye :)

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