
I promised I'd be back.
Normally, I wouldn't have sat down today and all, but the situation calls for it. Today, I found out a couple of my teachers at college are going on strike, so for the next few weeks, my Mondays will be a lot shorter -thanks to God-. So, given that today I DO have some spare time before I go to work, I figured I could finally sit and blog about....random stuff, as usual.
The day after tomorrow's my birthday, as I mentioned already, and I'm practically jumping up and down of excitement about this. It's funny because most people my age have suddenly grown out of the habit of celebrating their birthdays and seeing how fun it can be, but not me. I'm still much like a child in that aspect. I love seeing all my friends, eating cake, being a year older and, of course, presents. And this year, it's a bit different. For example, I´ve invited practically every one at my job to come (those who I like at least), and my friends from high school and a girl from my "ex-university"(?)...and my sister, but she's mean and she's not coming because she "has to work the following Sunday" ¬¬
So at least that causes me to smile for now...Apart from my birthday, I'm also happy because I'm doing good and I truly like the place I started studying this year. The teachers (although they don't like us to call them that way, but "professors" sounds way too absurd) are really cool and you can tell they know a lot. Just by listening to them you can fall in love with the language. It's reaaaaallly nice when you hear someone speaking PROPER english.
I'm also excited about a new "project" of mine...I've decided to call it "365 eyes"...A couple of years ago, I tried to do it, but eventually gave up because there was always something better, but now I really want to do it. Basically, it's about taking one single photograph every single day for 365 days (a year) that can show what is going on with you at that time being...Hopefully, this time I won't quit.
Well, there's not much more to say, so I'll be going now. I'll keep you posted about my college adventures and how my birthday goes...
OH!!! I forgot to mention that I'm planning on writing a story about a sociopath (is that how you write it?)...so, that will keep me bussy as well...
Now, I'm done...
See you or read you, or read me -or however you wanna put it- next time

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